Head Of Department: Mrs P Faneti
As a Science Department we pray that our students will be knowledgeable and able to apply their knowledge with integrity. We also pray that they will glorify God in all they do and have a saving Faith. We not only want to equip them to carry out their lives on earth to the glory of God but also to be ready for the coming of God. In our teaching we wish to give God the credit for his amazing creation and also for his grace and love in allowing us to be stewards of His creation. We acknowledge with humility that due to sin the earth is fallen and groaning away until the final day in which earth will be recreated. Until that time God in his mercy reveals to us as scientists ways in which to cope with the fallen nature of creation. Scientific revelations, such as machinery and medication, eg antibiotics are part of his mercy.
We also wish to instil in our students their role as stewards of the natural environment. Ecology and conservation are part of our responsibilities. Students should also act as salt and light in this fallen world and show discernment in order to approve of what is right.
We also wish to create in our students Godly characteristics such as humility, thankfulness, integrity, mercy, courtesy, perseverance, obedience, self-discipline, patience and love not only for God but also for their fellow human beings. They should understand the sanctity of live and work in order to preserve life in their chosen professions. We pray that our students will not be self-seeking but do things in order to help mankind to the glory of God.
- To educate our students to have Godly character
- To be principled and informed regarding scientific matters
- To recognise their moral duty as Christian scientists, ie to uphold life and to be honest and respectful of others
- To recognise the scientific applications to everyday life, to be inventive and curious in order to help mankind produce beneficial products
- To be good stewards of what God has provided us with
- To make wise decisions regarding their future vocations
- To be prepared to study further for a higher education
- To recognise that they are part of a scientific community that is developing and has no boundaries in this technological age.
- In 2017 one of our students represented Zimbabwe in the Junior Scientific Olympiad held in the Netherlands.
- In 2018 eight of students made it into the Scientific Olympiad held in South Africa.
Subjects Offered
FORM 1 & 2: Cambridge Checkpoint Syllabus
FORM 3 AND 4: IGCSE - Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, Biology, and Environmental Management.
6TH FORM: Physics, Biology and Chemistry
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Physical Science
- Combined Science
- Environmental Management
The IGCSE course covers a number of different topics such as biodiversity, cell structure, nutrition, respiration, excretion, neurology, reproduction, genetics and ecology. All these are taught from a theoretical and practical approach. As Gateway High believes in creation, God is given the credit and honour for creating our bodies. We therefore teach our students to look after their bodies and make wise decisions. Whilst teaching reproduction we emphasise a biblical approach to sexual relationships and contraception. We instil the idea of Godly stewardship while teaching ecology. While teaching immunity and diseases we ponder if Adam and Eve had an immune system before the fall. How were their bodies different from ours? In this way we instil a Biblical Worldview in our students. God in his mercy has given us medicine, knowledge of DNA and genetics to help us cope with diseases. Students are taught to honour God and give Him the glory in all ways.
The IGCSE syllabus covers the basic concepts which lead into A level chemistry. These include the basic structure of the atom, the trends in the periodic table, separation of substances, bonding, and stoichiometry, industrial chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry. Students are taught that God created all materials for His glory and honour. As stewards of His creation we are able to use these materials for our purposes. We should, however, make wise decision as scientists. Students are given examples of Chemists who used chemicals to further live and others, such as Haber, who used this knowledge for destructive purposes. In this way students are taught to think in a Godly way.
Physics helps learners to understand the technological world in which they live, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. They learn about the basic principles of physics through a mix of theoretical and practical studies. Learners also develop an understanding of the scientific skills essential for further studies at advanced levels, skills which are also useful in everyday life. In the teaching of Physics, God is given the glory for creation and our stewardship is stressed. In Him all things hold together and the law of universe are taught as His laws. Physics is also taught as a science which is developing as new discoveries are being found and are shaping our lives. These should be Godly and used in a way that honours God. Scientists need to be responsible for making good and ethical decisions.
This course comprises of the basics of Chemistry and Physics and helps learners to understand the technological world in which they live, and to take an informed interest in science and scientific developments. The course includes much of the Pure Chemistry and Pure Physics components but is not all inclusive. Students are taught to honour God as the creator of the universe and to think from a Godly perspective. As scientists, we need to make Godly decisions and act wisely and ethically. This is stressed in both the theoretical and practical components of the syllabus.
Combined Science gives learners an opportunity to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics at a foundation level. Learners will gain a theoretical and practical knowledge of these subjects which will equip them with a basic understanding but not allow them to continue to A level. Whilst these topics are being taught students will be taught from a Christian Worldview to enable them to make Godly decisions about life and the use of materials that God has given us to be stewards of.
Environmental Management is designed to teach learners about sustainable development in a world where the security of resources and life-sustaining systems are endangered by human impact. It draws upon disciplines such as Biology, Earth Science, Geography and Economics. Learners gain an understanding of the earth’s natural systems and how people use natural resources; they then investigate the impact of human development on the environment and learn how the environment can be managed sustainably in the future, from a local as well as global perspective. While teaching this course our role as godly stewards is emphasised. Students are also taught that even though it is important for us to conserve and preserve earth, it is fallen and slowly degenerating until it will be destroyed and remade. The earth is groaning until the end draws near and our redemption will be on hand.