Teach them His decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. Exodus 18:20
Our vision as the Practical Subjects Department is to help students to develop and explore their God given talents through design work as they solve practical and technical problems in real life. Practical subjects are hands-on in nature and our vision is to impart various practical skills to pupils which they can use for life. We feel that it is also our mandate to transform the lives of the young ones and make them appreciate God’s creative nature through teaching these practical subjects.
Our Values
- To encourage pupils to acknowledge and appreciate how God’s creation and sense of beauty fit in with the design aspects related to practical subjects.
- To develop in each pupil the ability to solve problems.
- To equip pupils with relevant skills to model and make design products.
- To develop in pupils the ability to critically analyse situations and make sound judgements, informed decisions as well as make wise choices.
- To foster a sense of responsibility in each pupil through design projects
- Promote the use and development of ICT at Gateway High School
- To ensure adequate information security for all stakeholders.
Scope & Sequence (CURRICULUM MAP)
- Arts
- Design & Technology
- Music
- Computers
So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. Genesis 1-27: As Schaeffer wrote: And because of who we are and who God is, we ought to pursue it to the fullest. But because we bear his image, we have a responsibility to reflect Him in our creative efforts. Let’s be careful to never neglect that. Art helps students to discover, use and enjoy their God given talents and to appreciate God’s amazing artistic creation in their lives.
The main thrust is to touch and change lives through teaching Design and Technology. Students are enabled to develop independent thinking skills, apply knowledge to solve problems, critically analyse situations and make informed decisions in life. Each student is engaged in a very practical way especially through project work. Students are given the freedom to explore using design and hands-on learning which empowers them to discover their God given talents, skills, and interests.
Music should be studied and taught in an orderly manner just as our God is a God of order, incorporating Christ and honouring him with the gift of music. We endeavor to assist students realise, appreciate and use their musical talents. We also encourage our students to “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5: 19-2
The goal of Computer Science is guided by the Gateway High School mission, vision and values. It is the backdrop of technological advancements that seek to harness the use of technological solutions effectively, responsibly and to ultimately promote the kingdom of God. It also sets out the context in which computer and technology classes are designed to teach age appropriate skills to students that progress from one stream to another. Digital citizenship is also an integral part of the curriculum as it teaches students to use digital media in a safe, ethical and respectful way.