Topic Form 1
Form 2
First Term
  • Students to develop skills on how to handle ICT based information
  • Students to appreciate the representation of data in ICT
  • Students can go deeper than understanding and knowledge to see the insight of God
Starting with Text check   Creation, Fall, Redemption
Starting with Images check   Creation, Laws of Nature
Starting with Graphs check   Theme of obedience
*rules to be followed*
  • Begin to assemble text and images to communicate ideas in different forms using words, tables, pictures and sound

  • Create, redraft and present ideas using text manipulation, laying out text, checking for errors and correcting them

  • Use a paint or graphics package to present ideas

    Recognise the need to communicate safely and responsibly

Exploring Documents check check Listening, Taking Action, and Avoiding Anger (James 1:19–21)
Exploring Images check check Creation, Productivity
Exploring Spreadsheets check check Creation, Providence, Productivity
Exploring Databases check check Creation, Stewardship, Providence
TERM 3     
  • Articulate their biblical worldview while possessing a basic understanding of opposing world views.

  • Use a variety of ICT hardware and software (which may include various kinds of computers and keyboards, as well as TV, DVD, video devices, music players and mobile/cell phones) to carry out a variety of functions in a range of contexts

  • Explore the use of computer systems and control technology in everyday life

  • Examine and discuss their experiences of ICT, and look at the use of ICT in the outside

  • Problem solvers equipped to think creatively

Documents for a purpose check check Creation, Productivity, Laws of Nature
Multimedia for a purpose check check God Shapes Us for His Glory Passages: 1 Samuel 16:7; Romans 9:20-21; Isaiah 64:8
Spreadsheet for a purpose check check Creation, Productivity, Laws of Nature
Databases for a purpose check check Creation, Productivity, Laws of Nature
TERM 4     
  • Students will become problem solver equipped to think creatively and confidently interrogate issues.
  • Use ICT hardware and software autonomously
  • Consider the purposes for which information is to beprocessed and communicated
  • Use their knowledge and understanding of ICT to design information systems, and to evaluate and suggest improvements to existing systems
  • Investigate problems by modelling, measuring and controlling, and by constructing ICT procedures
Starting Programming   check Creation and Order
Starting Searches   check Providence, Productivity
Starting Email   check Productivity, Laws of Nature
TERM 5      
  • Students will become good stewards of their talents and resources.
  • Use a range of ICT hardware and software efficiently to create good-quality presentations for particular audiences, integrating information from several sources
  • Select appropriate ICT hardware and software to fulfil a specific purpose
  • Students will be systematic and critical in their use of appropriate search methods to responsibly obtain accurate and relevant information from a range of sources
  • Collect and edit quantitative and qualitative information for a particular purpose, and enter the data into a data-handling package for processing and analysis
Exploring Programming   check Overcoming setbacks
Exploring Internet   check Embracing diversity
Exploring Email   check Creation, Fall, Redemption, Laws of Nature
Exploring Multimedia   check Creation, Fall, Redemption, Laws of Nature

Gateway High School

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