Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry check   Creation, Fall, Redemption
  • Use content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend the one’s point of view and learning
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom
Atomic structure check check Discovering Patterns, Stewardship
Chemical bonding check   Community Building, Providence, Stewardship
States of matter check   Challenging distortions,
Chemical energetics check check Celebrating Life
Electrochemistry check check Embracing diversity
Equilibria check check Laws of Nature, Contemplating Creation
  • Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview
  • Articulate and live their Biblical worldview while having a basic understanding of opposing worldviews.
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
Reaction kinetics check check Overcoming setbacks
The Periodic Table: chemical periodicity check   Discovering patterns, Shaping culture
Group 2 check check Getting wisdom, Imitating humility
Group 17 check   Practising hospitality, Pursuing peace
An introduction to the chemistry of transition elements   check Reflecting Creativity, Imagining Innovations
Nitrogen and sulfur check   Celebrating life, Transforming Thinking
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness
  • Use the content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom
An introduction to organic chemistry check check Understanding vocation, Unwrapping Gifts
Hydrocarbons check   Seeking justice, Showing mercy
Halogen derivatives check   Relishing play
Hydroxy compounds check check Getting wisdom, Expressing words
Carbonyl compounds check   Imagining Innovations
arboxylic acids and derivatives check check Stewardship, Community building
Nitrogen compounds   check Productivity, Embracing diversity
Polymerisation   check Imaging Innovations, Productivity
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness
  • Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview
Analytical techniques check check Reflecting creativity, Productivity, Transforming thinking
Organic synthesis   check  

Gateway High School

Our purpose, as a Bible – based Christian Educational Community, is to glorify God through serving our nation and impacting the world.

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Golden Stairs Rd, Emerald Hill
Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 772154867/8
[email protected]