Topic O Level

The setting of the Gospel – the Roman occupation and government

check   Creation, Fall, Redemption
  • Use content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning

  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems

  • Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview as they study the diffee

The Pharisees, Sadducees and Herodians check   Stewardship, Fall, Humility
The idea of ‘the Messiah’ check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Providence, Fall
Matthew as author – arguments to support Matthew as author check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Providence
Arguments challenging Matthew as author check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Providence, Productivity
Why Matthew’s Gospel was written check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Providence
Nature of Matthew’s Gospel – idea of ‘good news’ check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Providence
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom

  • Articulate and live their Biblical worldview while having a basic understanding of opposing worldviews.

  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems

Main characteristics (e.g. Old Testament fulfilment, and teaching about the church) check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Providence, Humility
The events and what they reveal about the person, teaching and work of Jesus check   Creation, Fall, Productivity
Meaning (e.g. what is the meaning of Jesus’s death?) check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Providence
Historical (e.g. are the accounts historically reliable or are they symbolic?) check   Creation, Providence, Fall
Significance (e.g. why was Bethlehem significant as a place of birth?) check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Providence
The miracles and what they reveal about the person, teaching and work of Jesus check   Laws of Nature, Providence, Creativity
  • Ambrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness

  • Use the content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning

  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems

  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom

Healing miracles (e.g. the paralytic) check   Stewardship, Creation, Providence
Exorcisms (e.g. the dumb demoniac) – raising from the dead (e.g. the ruler’s daughter) check   Creation, Productivity, Providence
Nature miracles (e.g. stilling of the
check   Stewardship, Providence, Laws of Nature
Issues raised by the accounts –
purpose (e.g. why did Jesus perform
check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Providence
Historical (e.g. did the miracles happen as recorded?) check   Laws of Nature, Providence, Productivity
The parables and what they reveal about the person, teaching and work of Jesus check   Creation, Productivity, Imagining Innovations
Issues raised by the accounts – purpose (e.g. why did Jesus teach using parables?) check   Productivity, Laws of Nature, Creativity
Meaning (e.g. how are they to be interpreted?) check   Providence, Imaging Innovations, Productivity
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness

  • Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview

  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems

Jesus’s teaching-applying this teaching to the twenty-first century (e.g. the Sabbath) check   Creation, Laws of Nature, Productivity
Conflict and opposition to Jesuscould Jesus’s death have been avoided? check   Laws of Nature, Imagining Innovations
Titles of Jesus • the titles used of, and by, Jesus check   Productivity, Stewardship, Creativity
The meaning of the titles (e.g Son of God) check   Creation, Fall, Productivity, Discovering Patterns
Particle and nuclear physics check   Particle and nuclear physics

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