Topic AS Level
A Level

Origins of the Cold War – Tensions in the wartime alliance.

    Appreciating variety and learning to handle our differences
  • To provide historical explanations to events

  • Apply factual knowledge to historical themes and periods

  • Present clear, concise, logical and relevant arguments when answering questions.

  • To grasp and explain the element of causality in life events

  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness

  • Making presentations reflecting the ability to think independently and make informed judgements on issues.

  • To distinguish and access the different historical approaches and interpretations and opinions about the past

  • To apply biblical themes of honour, honesty and integrity in the analysis of historical events

  • To reflect critically and creatively over events in the past.

End of World War 2, Teheran Conference, impact of war on Soviet Union, German and Eastern Europe     Sustained relationships and cooperative effort
Peace-making at the end of World War 2; Yalta and Potsdam Conferences     Promoting peace and cooperation in crisis times
Increasing tension in Europe e.g. Iron Curtain, nuclear tensions, Soviet expansionism     Human weaknesses, e.g. dissension, anger, suspicion
Interpretations training; The different historical approaches e.g. traditionalist revisionist, post-revisionist     Equipping and seeking justice
The Truman doctrine
and Marshall Aid plan
The Berlin Blockade and Airlift      Overcoming setbacks
  • To show a greater awareness of historical concepts e.g. cause and effect, similarity and difference, change and continuity
  • To articulate God’s role as the ‘History maker’, controller and director of all history (Daniel 2:20-22)
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures, time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to God’s kingdom.
  • To critically assess the effectiveness of political agreements
Post-Stalin thaw. Soviet and USA policies; Beria, Malenkov, Khrushchev,Eisenhower, Dulles and Kennedy     Reconciliation and acceptance, Leadership
The Cold War outside Europe after 1950; Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Middle East, Africa etc     Unresolved conflict and its effects
The Arms race- towards Détente in the 1970s     The power of agreement 
Term 5
Détente and its failure in the 1970s     God as a covenant-keeper 
USSR invasion of Afghanistan- Causes; course; impact
  • Use the content and skills acquired to effectively communicate, present, and defend one’s point of view and learning
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to solve problems
  • Good stewards of talents, treasures and time and resources which are all given back to God in a way that adds value to the kingdom
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness
  • To critically analyse the global effects of political and economic decisions by world powers.
  • To show the ability to evaluate major historical developments.
  • To explain major political, social and economic upheavals, and critically evaluate them.
  • Formulate and ask questions, reflect critically and creatively, and be able to provide solutions to problems.
Solidarity movement in Poland,and its impact     Freedom and Justice 
The era of Mikhail Gorbachev;
- Glasnost
- Perestroika
- Sinatra doctrine 
    Pursuing and making peace 
The end of the Cold war
- Era of Ronald Reagan
- Margaret Thatcher 
Events in other parts of Eastern Europe;
- Czechoslovakia
- Romania
- Fall of Berlin Wall 
    Salvation and deliverance 
- Reasons for Victory,
China’s problems. 1949,
Mao’s reforms 
    Persevering and Victory 
THE HUNDRED FLOWER COMPAIGN     Times of adversity
THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD: Reasons, Aims, Programme, Successes & Failures     Wisdom versus Folly
THE CULTURAL REVOLUTION Definitions, Reasons, Aims, Evaluation      
  • Embrace diversity and engage responsibly in the world’s problems with kindness, responsiveness, and open-mindedness
  • Reflect, compare, and contrast various theories in relation to the biblical worldview
  • To express and illustrate biblical principles listed through their day today living.
  • Present clear, concise, logical and relevant arguments when answering questions
  • Acknowledge God’s greatness as they learn different themes and concepts in history
CHINA AFTER MAO: power struggles, economic, political & social problems      Sowing and Reaping principles 
ERA OF DENG XIAOPING: Social and economic reforms in China      Leadership styles; Conflict resolution 
ERA OF DENG XIAOPING: Social and economic reforms in China     Leadership styles; Conflict resolution
COMMUNISM IN CRISIS: 1987 divisions in CCP     The cost of disunity
CHINA’S FOREIGN RELATIONS     Responsible living; Priorities; Relationships

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